Senses is one of the leading providers of disability support in Australia. The Appworkshop were approached to create an app which assists users in their everyday life, improving their independence.

The project

The app connects 'Users' with 'Helpers', who will be able to assist the user find their way via a video call. Users have a list of Helpers, and when they require assistance, the app will call their helpers with a video call. It was of course important that the app followed their brand guidelines, and that it would be simple to navigate and easy to use – especially considering the end user of this app.

The team

The team for this project consisted of 2 developers, a project manager, with myself as the UI & UX designer.

Senses homepage, design by Charlotte Clark for Senses

The user journey

There were three difference Users for which I mapped out the User Journey. The User – who may or may not be able to see, the Helper, who would receive an invitation from the User (or Admin) to join, after which they can assist the User, and Admin users – who will be able to create, edit and connect Users and Helpers, as well as seeing additional statistics about the traction of the app.

Image of the Senses user Journey, UX design by Charlotte Clark

User journey for 'User'

Wireframed user journey for admin users for the senses app, UX design by Charlotte Clark

User journey for 'Admin' users

The interface

The UI was based on their website styling – using their colour scheme and brand pattern to add interest, combined with large, clear lettering and big buttons.

UI designs by Charlotte Clark for Senses

UI designs